Angka kejadian penyakit Covid-19 terus meningkat sejak dinyatakan sebagai pandemic oleh WHO. Negara yang terkena dampak berusaha untuk mengendalian penularan dan penyebaran penyakit ini. Pemerintah Indonesia mengeluarkan kebijakan pembatasan sosial. Upaya tersebut menyebabkan berubahnya berbagai tatanan kehidupan sosial masyarakat termasuk bidang pendidikan. Pembelajaran daring menjadi alternatif agar proses belajar mengajar dapat dilakukan saat pembatas sosial. Namun akibatnya mahasiswa lebih banyak aktifitas digital dibandingkan aktivitas fisik. Keterbatasan fasilitas kerja dapat menjadi faktor risiko adanya keluhan otot rangka selama pembelajaran daring. Tujuan penelitian ini menggambarkan keluhan otot rangka pada mahasiswa saat pembelajaran daring selama pandemi Covid-19. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif. Data diambil dengan survei kepada 182 mahasiswa menggunakan instrumen penilaian (kuesioner) Nordic Body Map (NBM). Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa mahasiswa 100% masih melakukan pembelajaran daring, alat yang digunakan lebih banyak smartphone (71,3 %), durasi pembelajaran sehari 8 jam (47,1 %), dan posisi saat pembelajaran paling banyak duduk sembarangan (49,3 %). Keluhan di sekitar mata paling tinggi dirasakan oleh mahasiswa. Mahasiswa merasakan keluhan sangat sakit pada 10 bagian tubuh tertinggi adalah punggung (74,8%), pinggang (72,4%), leher atas (67,5%), bahu kanan (61,8%), leher bawah (57,7%), pergelangan tangan kanan (57,7%), bahu kiri (56,9%), pantat buttock (48,0%), tangan kanan (46,3%), dan pantat bottom (44,7%). Adapun tingkat risiko keluhan otot rangka paling banyak pada kategori risiko rendanh (83%). Disimpulkan bahwa terdapat keluhan otot rangka pada mahasiswa saat pembelajaran daring selama pandemik Covid-19. Meskipun belum memerlukan tidakan perbaikan, namun disarankan untuk tetap melakukan posisi kerja sealamiah mungkin dan perhatikan aturan ergonomi tentang posisi kerja.
Kata Kunci: Covid-19; Ergonomi; Gangguan Otot Rangka; Pembelajaran Daring
The incidence of Covid-19 disease has continued to increase since it was declared a pandemic by WHO. Affected countries are trying to control the transmission and spread of the disease. The Indonesian government issued a policy of social restrictions. These efforts led to the change of various social life orders of the community including the field of education. Online learning becomes an alternative so that the teaching and learning process can be done during social barriers. But as a result, students have more digital activity than physical activity. Limitations of work facilities can be a risk factor for skeletal muscle complaints during online learning. The purpose of this study illustrates skeletal muscle complaints in students during online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. The research method used is descriptive. The data was taken with a survey of 182 students using the Nordic Body Map (NBM) musculoskeletal disorder assessment  instrument. The results showed that 100% of students still dared to learn, the tools used were more smartphones (71.3%), the length of study was 8 hours a day (47.1%), and the most sitting position while studying (49.3%). Complaints around the eyes are the highest complaints felt by students. Students feel very sick complaints in the 10 highest body parts, namely the back (74.8%), waist (72.4%), upper neck (67.5%), right shoulder (61.8%), lower neck (57, 7%), buttocks (57.7%), left shoulder (56.9%), buttocks (48.0%), right hand (46.3%), and buttocks (44.7%). The highest risk level for skeletal muscle complaints was in the low-risk category (83%). It was concluded that there were skeletal muscle complaints in students in daring learning during the Covid-19 pandemic. Although it does not require repair, it is recommended to keep the working position as natural as possible and pay attention to ergonomic rules related to working position.
Keywords: Covid-19; Ergonomics; Musculoskeletal; Online learning
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