R. Bayu Kusumah Natapraja, Teten Tresnawan


Pada tanggal 30 Januari 2020 WHO menetapkan Covid-19 sebagai pandemik. 8 bulan kemudian kasus Covid-19 hampir menyerang seluruh dunia. Salah satu upaya yang dilakukan pemerintah yaitu dengan cara 3M (memakai masker, mencuci tangan dan menjauhi kerumunan/mobilisasi), upaya preventifnya yaitu dengan vaksin Covid-19. Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui adakah pengaruh faktor perhatian, pengetahuan, status pernikahan, riwayat penyakit, dan riwayat terpapar Covid-19 terhadap persepsi masyarakat mengenai vaksinasi Covid-19. Hasil uji statistik diperoleh nilai p<0,05, sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa ada hubungan yang signifikan antara umur, pendidikan, riwayat PTM, riwayat terpapar Covid-19, dan pengetahuan dengan persepsi masyarakat tentang vaksinasi Covid-19, hanya riwayat pernikahan yang tidak hubungan dengan nilai p=0,919 atau >0,05. Simpulan terdapat hubungan antara umur, pendidikan, riwayat PTM, riwayat terpapar Covid-19, dan pengetahuan dengan persepsi masyarakat tentang vaksinasi Covid-19. Disarankan Pemerintah Desa Cicukang diminta secara aktif untuk terus bersosialisasi kepada masyarakat untuk memberikan informasi, baik itu tentang upaya agar Covid-19 tidak lagi mengalami peningkatan kasus aktif dan informasi tentang vaksin agar masyarakat mau dan ingin segera untuk divaksin.

Kata kunci: Persepsi; Vaksin; Covid-19



On January 30, 2020 WHO declared Covid-19 a pandemic. 8 months later Covid-19 cases almost attacked the whole world. One of the efforts made by the government is by 3M (wearing masks, washing hands and staying away from crowds / mobilization), preventive efforts are the Covid-19 vaccine. The purpose of the study was to determine whether there is an influence of attention factors, knowledge, marital status, history of illness, and history of exposure to Covid-19 on people's perceptions of Covid-19 vaccination. The statistical test results obtained a p value <0.05, so it can be concluded that there is a significant relationship between age, education, history of NCD, history of exposure to Covid-19, and knowledge with public perceptions of Covid-19 vaccination, only marriage history has no relationship with a p value = 0.919 or >0.05. It is concluded that there is a relationship between age, education, history of NCD, history of exposure to Covid-19, and knowledge with community perception of Covid-19 vaccination. It is recommended that the Cicukang Village Government be actively asked to continue to socialize with the community to provide information, both about efforts so that Covid-19 no longer has an increase in active cases and information about vaccines so that people want and want to be vaccinated immediately.

Keywords: Perception; Vaccine; Covid-19


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.38165/jk.v15i1.390


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